Wednesday 13 February 2019

January 19


Taste at least one new beer every month

            I love beer! This challenge is not a challenge at all if it’s worded as try a new beer every month, I shall need to introduce some form of a challenge to this, in saying that I have tried a lot of different beers in my time so I have already tried most main stream easily available at shops and bars beers! So many in fact it would be hard to find one every month from a local supermarket or bar that I haven’t tried! I did consider buying a scratch of poster with 100 craft ales to try before you die and make this challenge one of these, but I gave that poster away as a Christmas gift, this month I have made it to a quirky beer I haven’t tried before and topical to the month of January which for me personally is two things new year and Rabbie burns so I bought a bottle of Belhavens Robert burns ale the description says its Hops are Challenger & Goldings, A Rich Scottish toffee combined with subtle malty aftertaste. Perfect for Burns night (obviously!) but also great with stews, sausages and rich onion gravy. Due to me giving up beef and dairy for a year there will be no sausage or stew for me this year to try it with, A team from the University of Glasgow have been studying the composition of the inks used by the famous bard in order to identify in future whether manuscripts were written by Burns himself or are among the many forgeries in circulation. They found Burns, who was known to make his own ink, used stale beer, carbonised elephant tusk, lard and sulphuric acid as the main ingredients in an ink known as “Ivory Black’ ,Robert Burns moved to Edinburgh to try to make his writing career a success. Whilst there he would have probably enjoyed an ale Edinburgh being one of the biggest brewing cities in the UK at the time,

pre written bucket list or of my scratch of wall poster

As I was heading to the Alps for my ski holiday in cervinia Italy I decided to tick of a bucket list wish of my personal list which was to make a travelling book! I first encountered a traveling book on a train journey in Bolivia I met an American couple and got chatting to them. the lady was reading a year in province which she had been given in Peru from a woman who had picked it up on a bench in New York , the book had instructions inside to tell its original owner where you found it how you enjoyed it and where you left it , I thought this was cool but unfortunately the woman hadn’t finished reading when the train stopped at the argentine border and we parted before I could receive the book and join in the game ,so I bought a copy of Yvonne chounards let my people surf  I Typed up a message to glue and tape on the inside cover , let’s see where this experiment goes ! Here is what I put on the inside cover

This is a travelling book

                Hello my name is Kenny I bought this book specifically as a social experiment! My hope is that whoever picks up this book from wherever they find it then reads it whilst travelling to a new destination, I hope you enjoy the read and then visit my web page to let me know what you thought of the book and where you found it and where you left it, Thank you in advance from me and the book I hope you enjoy it as much as I did and this book gets a good trip round the world

                   Kenny Alexander


            I then left that book in the apartment in cervinia the Italian side of the Alps near Zermatt and the Matterhorn I hope I hear from the book again? But that was not the only things I ticked of my bucket list, I had bought a poster at Christmas for myself a scratch of list of 100 things to do before you die! So I also scratched of the boxes of these things to be done and out of the 100 things to do I scratched of 59 out of the one hundred .between this poster and my personal bucket list I should have a busy year

One day a month vegan (preferably a new recipe)

            This was extremely easy this the first month with me pledging to eat no beef or dairy for a year dropping eggs chicken fish pork for a day was very easy, so I shall have to make this challenge slightly more difficult or change or drop it altogether as it was no challenge at all and what’s the point of that, perhaps I should make it a specific new attempt to cook some style of vegan dish? This month I made a five bean chilli and although not a new thing for me to cook I did add a few personal extras it was delicious as always and I will continue to perfect my recipe on this my new favourite dish next time I am going to try some soya sauce or something similar in it to give it a bit more richness

Plant something every month

            I bought two decent sized bags of spring bulbs and planted them in my front garden, I was hoping to put more edible plants in my gardens but these were right down the front next to the pavement and road and I didn’t like the idea of fruit veg or herbs with car fumes and dog pee for personal consumption, but close to the path and front of the house does make for a pleasant colourful border for myself and the neighbours and it was a bee friendly pack so all good I’m looking forward to seeing them in bloom

Make or repair something

            I can’t count the gloves that I wore skiing which were really due for the bin but Patagonia’s worn wear repaired them for me even though they are not Patagonia gloves ,I can’t count these as they were repaired in November and not by me , what I did do though is make my very own book it’s called hatches matches and despatches and I had fun making it , the only problem its now grew arms and legs and now it’s a whole new bigger project that I’m enjoying but possibly don’t have the time for ! my make something in January has already spread to February as I am still working on it

Do a new hill

            I never managed a new Scottish hill which was the objective of this challenge but I did go up Europe’s highest cable car this month which was awesome the new Matterhorn Klein The highest cable car station in Europe (3,883 m), yes metres! It was exhausting up there in the thinning atmosphere but the views and experience was fantastic

This month’s writing


            Well exceeded all my writing targets in the first week I will definitely need to make this challenge harder than my original 1000 words a month towards one of my writing projects .because I had done 1000 words before the fourth of the month easily, over the space of the first 10 days I averaged at least 500 words a day on various projects.

            I am still thinking how I should make this challenge more challenging but achievable  possibly by making it toward a fictional novel or short story or something that it would be completed by the end of the year ? !

            Then after some thought I decided I would do 1500 words every month toward my fun writing project called  76 x 76 , then promptly changed it again due to this blog the ski blog and the hatches matches and despatches book taking up too much of my already limited time for writing

Phone visit write or txt to a friend I’ve not seen for a while

            This month I went above and beyond the original concept of this monthly challenge and made my start something for this month a challenge to write a card letter or postcard to family or friends , which I done hopefully I will not have ran out of people to send cards letters and postcards to for the rest of the year ! Because it’s not easy finding 31 people to send cards or letters to, I shall post up a list and who all responded once I’ve gave everyone enough time to respond, it was a difficult challenge

Wild food foraged

            January is a difficult month for this, I have looked at booking myself on a foraging course this month but to pardon a pun they are thin on the ground at this time of year, just like the food

I done some research online in the hope I could book on a course in January but there was none available. So I signed up for newsletters and started following these people on twitter

Galloway wild foods

Amy rankin foraging

                I did grab the last of the rocket that I had grown in the garden last year and had a look at a wild apple tree I know of that I was hoping would still have some apples hanging from it but this has been a fail this month , I research things to do and I am hoping that next year I will gather birch sap for wine in January

Live music or event

 I had a gig called burns and beyond festival of the moon with Rachel sermani at the st giles cathedral Edinburgh, the team behind the acclaimed Scotland’s new festival called Burns & Beyond, celebrating the life and legacy of Robert Burns and bringing together the best and brightest of Scotland’s cultural landscape. This new event will invite audiences to experience free and ticketed events from 22 – 27 of January in venues throughout Edinburgh city Centre, including the spectacular Museum of the Moon @ St Giles’ Cathedral, The Burns Supper and a brand new Culture Trail experience.

                I do love a good burns supper and annually try to get to at least one, but working away from home comes with a price and this year I am at home for the 25th but I fly off skiing on the 26th I shall have a look for some burns music or poetry to download and celebrate in my own way this year

Film book or album

            Scott jurek eat and run Audiobook completed 3/1/19, I also ordered ross edgleys the worlds fittest book same day, on recommendation I also ordered a booksellers diary on 4/1/19 even though with these two physical books adding to a huge backlogged of to read books I have already so I have no idea when I will get round to reading them,

            I am giving serious thought to restarting my new Scottish album every month for 2019 as this was fun so I have done it this month to keep me up to date should I decide to go for it , I bought tickets to go see a young highland Celtic rock band called tide lines in  May .I thought it best to downloaded their new ( only ) album so I at least knew their stuff when I went to see them , I seen them at Belladrum music festival but among god knows how many other bands and beers I remember little of it !

            I also went to the cinema to see the new film about Mary queen of scots , I chose to go through to Glasgow to the independent Glasgow film theatre I like it there , I went to see outlaw king at this film theatre ( I prefer calling it that rather than a cinema as it seems more like a theatre experience than a film) last month as it wasn’t showing at the cinema complexes , I loved both these films and my nights out at this theatre much more civilised events for me I even got a good beer to take in

Start or stop something

It was hard enough learning the ins and outs of no beef no dairy for a year that I am using January as a bedding in month for that ,that will be a stopping something for a month this month, As previously mentioned  I also made a pledge to write a physical letter to someone everyday of January and that would be my start  something, I done ok with this challenge it wasn’t possible to have the time to write a letter everyday so some days were just postcards , mostly it was nice novelty cards with personal written messages inside  so I completed my start something for a month with the letters postcards and cards , my stop something no beef or dairy went like this

Day one New Year’s Day 2019 and I’m at work staying in accommodation where your breakfast is sorted for you in some ways makes dietary decisions easier and sometimes harder , I looked at the breakfast choices with fresh eyes ( I’ve spent half the last five years living here that’s roughly 126 weeks having the same breakfast spread here ) , there was porridge I don’t know if I can trust that possibly milk in there , the usual hot selection that I rarely take any meat products from but I could have bacon if I want but wouldn’t trust sausages or black pudding due to possible beef in those , no scrambled egg there would be butter or milk in there , poached eggs beans and tomatoes yep there ok  , potato scone or hash browns I wouldn’t trust and the mushrooms looked like they may have been butter cooked ( I will ask one day ) I went for beans with poached eggs , from the cereals I could have had and put some almond milk in there and there was toast and peanut butter plus some chopped fruit , breakfast will be ok !

                Once in at work the lads had brought in what we would normally consider bags of treats crisps cakes biscuits, many of them I knew from experience had dairy in them there would be no milk chocolate for me and there was various types of crisps which had dairy flavourings, it meant there was very little things among these three big bags of tea break treats.

                Lunchtime at the canteen I was concerned about the lunchtime fair here is very dairy and beef based , this is one of the main reasons I haven’t went for being vegan for a year I knew that living and working away from home meant I couldn’t really choose my own food I had to choose what was available , which to be fair is the same for everyone else but when I’m at home I have a wider range of non-meat non-dairy choices , it was a sort of buffet we picked up our tray and passed by a selection of sandwiches I knew all these would be buttered so I never even looked to see what was on them , next there was soup it had said on the menu board it would be veg broth ( excellent ) but it turned out to be leak and potato thankfully not cream and I could see there was no cream in it , next was the heated choices sausage roll ( out ) quiche ( out ) loaded half-baked potatoes with cheese (out) I opted for some chips with beans and made a salad bowl with some boiled eggs . Which was fine there was also bags of crisps and some fruit I wouldn’t starve for sure.

                Because it was New Year’s Day every office and the canteen had chocolates out all of them milk chocolates, I love a nice Bourneville but had no chocolate unlike everyone else always amazes me just how much milk chocolate there is in this country every house has it every shop every garage every supermarket every restaurant some bars, machines in gyms cinemas where does all this milk chocolate come from and how many gallons of cow’s milk does the production of it use?

                Buffet dinner at night was good a few choices that were suitable I did nearly eat some pringles at the bar with the lads at whisky club which would have been a mistake on day one as they have milk in them but I had them in my hand and thought wait a minute I think and checked ,

                That’s it day two and this challenge is on its way and looking easy so far eggs for breakfast with beans, lunch was fine vegetable soup and I just had a baked potato with salad and mixed veg as the other choices were beef or dairy, when I asked for just a baked potato the canteen chef asked if I was sure I didn’t want mince with that!

                The office is still full of goodies and I sometimes feel a bit out of the gang not being able to eat the same as them and checking stuff, but its fine I think they are happy enough its all the more for them, dinner at the accommodation was fine curried vegetable soup followed by ling in a tomato sauce with green beans and sweetcorn, no sweet or biscuits with cheese anymore for me this year though as would previously been the case

                Eggs and beans for breakfast this morning again I will definitely need to mix it up I ended up having a piece of bacon with it and I never usually have bacon with my breakfast it was a replacement for the tattie scone that I used to enjoy . one of the lads slept in for work and the rule is sleep in and you need to bring the lads chocolate , he brought in big bars for everyone including me but it was all dairy chocolate so I’m going to miss out on all chocolate fines this year if I don’t insist on dairy free chocolate for me ! Maybe I should tell them I’ve developed lactose intolerance!

                At lunch there was scotch lamb broth to start and the rest didn’t look beef or dairy free my head dropped , then I realised I am not vegan I am allowing myself lamb pork chicken fish and eggs , so I had a bowl of broth and a veg stir fry I was full ,

Scotch broth
Curried vegetable
French onion
Cauliflower & stilton
Chicken noodle
Cream of tomato
Fish Main
Smoked haddock mornay
Thai baked salmon
Pesto baked ling
Fish pie
Salmon & chive pasta bake
Fish cakes
Meat Main 1
Roast rib eye of beef
Steak pie
Southern fried chicken burgers
Tandoori roast turkey
Beef enchiladas
Chicken curry
Roast pork
Meat Main 2
Haggis with whisky sauce
Black pudding stuffed chicken wrapped in bacon
Moroccan lamb
Sausage casserole
Thai pork meatballs
Barbecue ribs
Chicken & mushroom carbonara
Vegetarian Main
Vegetable lasagne
Broccoli & cauliflower pasta bake
Mushroom & blue cheese tartlets
Vegetable kebabs
Cheese & tomato pizza
Butternut squash & coconut curry
Cauliflower & lentil tagine with cous cous
Vegetable 1
Bashed neeps
Mixed vegetables
Corn on the cob
Stir fry vegetables
Roast vegetables
Vegetable 2
Roasted parsnips & carrots
Braised red cabbage
 Medley of vegetables
Mushy peas
BBQ beans
Mixed greens
Carb 1
 Mashed potatoes
Cous cous
Baby potatoes
Turmeric rice
Carb 2
New potatoes
Cajun chips
Coconut rice
Roast potatoes
Hot Pudding
Sticky toffee pudding
Chocolate sponge
Apple crumble
Male syrup sponge
Jam & coconut sponge
Pineapple upside down cake
Chocolate brownie
Cold Pudding
Scottish tipsy trifle
Ice cream bar
Victoria sponge
 New York cheesecake
Belgian chocolate cheesecake
Fruit pavlova
Ice cream bar

                That’s a week menu from the accommodation ,as you can see its all good stuff and I am lucky it can get tricky doing my personal challenge`s as you can see and I don’t see the point in going through a daily diary of had this couldn’t have that ! so I shall stick to writing about any mistakes fails disappointment’s and things I miss , I am writing this on day five and so far things are going really well on this challenge , I am getting plenty to eat and possibly more nutrients than I would have done without this challenge , strangely I’m not missing chocolate at all and there’s lots of it lying around the office , I do get a bit annoyed when I see milk as an ingredient in a bag of crisps I’ve got to check every bag before touching them ,I used to love  taking a cracker with cheese to my room at night , I do miss that with my bedtime tea , I am probably doing myself a favour by not eating the after dinner sweets they are always rich with dairy I would normally not be able to resist a bit sponge and custard but it’s been easier to resist than I thought , I wonder what I will miss at the end of a full year if I actually will miss anything !!

                By day 8 I had obviously completed my first week one week down 51 to go! Did I feel any different physically? no if anything I had more energy and was more alert but with a background sore`ish head ( I never ever get a sore head probably unrelated ) , maybe I should have had a blood test done to check for cholesterol blood iron etc. and compare it after a year , I had my office situation sorted as I took in loads of milk free products to eat hob nobs Bourneville milk free crisps nuts some crackers with hummus , I’m still at work after a week but now into a routine with canteen lunches and accommodation dinners and its going ok no mistakes so far , I did consider the chicken satay last night but then decided I was kidding myself on if I thought there was any chance of chicken satay being dairy free !

                Into day 10 and I feel it’s worthwhile writing about the interaction with my work colleagues, it’s a strange thing working away from home on an industrial site with a tight group of co-workers we not only work together we travel together lunch together and event eat and socialise together away from site, I could possibly have not told them about my pledge and got away with it but I decided to tell them what I was up to! of course its great banter for them certainly breaks any monotony they all want me to fail of course and love checking what I’m eating and saying there’s got to be dairy in that soup or that sauce, all of which of course I come back with banter about what they are eating today at lunch for example they were saying no way could they do it! so I through the question at them would you rather Kill a cow on new year’s day and then butcher it into edible products for the year having steak potatoes and beans or peas every night for a year , or plant a tree every day for a year and eat any kind of fruit veg nuts pulses seeds berries and fruit you like for a year , of course out of the table of 6 only I chose the trees , BUT I secretly wonder if any of them were actually truly capable of killing a cow , I have killed for sport and didn’t like it we all did when I was a kid I know I would kill for food if I was required to but it would sadden me now

                I have a whole year of this to go so I don’t want to put too much all in the first month! today’s update is that all the gelatine and dairy free products I took into the office were eaten before all the dairy and gelatine rich treats, now the office treats have returned to the usual dairy rich biscuits and milk chocolate, strange how everyone says they couldn’t go dairy free but put out a pack of hob nobs a bar of Bourneville and a bag of starburst and they get inhaled by the lads

                Flight home day and we get a biscuit with our in-flight coffee I didn’t take my usual caramel wafer obviously, it looked like all the other biscuits all had dairy in them so no biscuits for a year now, the journey home is always good and being at home was easy I can easily be a vegan in my own home, but I was flying to the alps for a week’s ski holiday with friends and family it was to cervinia the Italian side of the alps 

I am weird officially apparently!

                I packed some herbs and spices as there may be a chance to do some cooking at our apartment in the alps , the first night we arrived we went out for dinner one look at the menu and it struck me this was going to be a hard week , I asked the waitress if something was dairy free and of course the company I was in started asking if I was on a fad diet or turned vegan , with Gary being the worst vocally pointing his fork sideways to say that’s it your officially weird in my book why do that a full year of beef and dairy what’s the point of denying yourself , I don’t mind this kind of chat sometimes I welcome the banter but we were in mixed company so I just said let’s not talk about it and we can accept I am an eccentric ,  Italian alpine meals are either creamy cheesy or beef dishes there wasn’t much fish or chicken on any menus . And the rest of the week I mostly ate pizza with zero cheese or pasta in tomato sauce checking there was no beef or dairy in them all week that was it first month done eleven to go

1.      Taste at least one new beer every month  yes

2.       Do at least one thing of my personal pre written bucket list or of my  yes scratch of wall poster of 100 things to do before you die lists  yes

3.       Spend at least one day a month vegan or do one month as a vegan  yes

4.       Plant something a tree some bulbs or seeds at least once every month  yes

5.       Make create or repair something once a month  yes

6.       Do a new hill ?? maybe  yes

7.       Write 1000 words a month on one of my writing projects  yes

8.       Phone /txt /email /write or call someone I haven’t seen for a while  yes

9.       Eat something I’ve picked out the countryside ( foraged ) No

10.    Go to a live music event or even just book one  yes

11.    Watch a film I’ve never seen before read a new book or music album  yes

12.     Do a month challenge to either start or stop something each month  yes

Month number one of a fresh years challenge 


No beef or dairy for a year 

                Day one New Year’s Day 2019 and I’m at work staying in accommodation where your breakfast is sorted for you in some ways makes dietary decisions easier and sometimes harder , I looked at the breakfast choices with fresh eyes ( I’ve spent half the last five years living here that’s roughly 126 weeks having the same breakfast spread here ) , there was porridge I don’t know if I can trust that possibly milk in there , the usual hot selection that I rarely take any meat products from but I could have bacon if I want but wouldn’t trust sausages or black pudding due to possible beef in those , no scrambled egg there would be butter or milk in there , poached eggs beans and tomatoes yep there ok  , potato scone or hash browns I wouldn’t trust and the mushrooms looked like they may have been butter cooked ( I will ask one day ) I went for beans with poached eggs , from the cereals I could have had and put some almond milk in there and there was toast and peanut butter plus some chopped fruit , breakfast will be ok !
                Once in at work the lads had brought in what we would normally consider bags of treats crisps cakes biscuits, many of them I knew from experience had dairy in them there would be no milk chocolate for me and there was various types of crisps which had dairy flavourings, it meant there was very little things among these three big bags of tea break treats.
                Lunchtime at the canteen I was concerned about the lunchtime fair here is very dairy and beef based , this is one of the main reasons I haven’t went for being vegan for a year I knew that living and working away from home meant I couldn’t really choose my own food I had to choose what was available , which to be fair is the same for everyone else but when I’m at home I have a wider range of non-meat non-dairy choices , it was a sort of buffet we picked up our tray and passed by a selection of sandwiches I knew all these would be buttered so I never even looked to see what was on them , next there was soup it had said on the menu board it would be veg broth ( excellent ) but it turned out to be leak and potato thankfully not cream and I could see there was no cream in it , next was the heated choices sausage roll ( out ) quiche ( out ) loaded half-baked potatoes with cheese (out) I opted for some chips with beans and made a salad bowl with some boiled eggs . Which was fine there was also bags of crisps and some fruit I wouldn’t starve for sure.
                Because it was New Year’s Day every office and the canteen had chocolates out all of them milk chocolates, I love a nice Bourneville but had no chocolate unlike everyone else always amazes me just how much milk chocolate there is in this country every house has it every shop every garage every supermarket every restaurant some bars, machines in gyms cinemas where does all this milk chocolate come from and how many gallons of cow’s milk does the production of it use?
                Buffet dinner at night was good a few choices that were suitable I did nearly eat some pringles at the bar with the lads at whisky club which would have been a mistake on day one as they have milk in them but I had them in my hand and thought wait a minute I think and checked ,
                That’s it day two and this challenge is on its way and looking easy so far eggs for breakfast with beans, lunch was fine vegetable soup and I just had a baked potato with salad and mixed veg as the other choices were beef or dairy, when I asked for just a baked potato the canteen chef asked if I was sure I didn’t want mince with that!
                The office is still full of goodies and I sometimes feel a bit out of the gang not being able to eat the same as them and checking stuff, but its fine I think they are happy enough its all the more for them, dinner at the accommodation was fine curried vegetable soup followed by ling in a tomato sauce with green beans and sweetcorn, no sweet or biscuits with cheese anymore for me this year though as would previously been the case
                Eggs and beans for breakfast this morning again I will definitely need to mix it up I ended up having a piece of bacon with it and I never usually have bacon with my breakfast it was a replacement for the tattie scone that I used to enjoy . one of the lads slept in for work and the rule is sleep in and you need to bring the lads chocolate , he brought in big bars for everyone including me but it was all dairy chocolate so I’m going to miss out on all chocolate fines this year if I don’t insist on dairy free chocolate for me ! Maybe I should tell them I’ve developed lactose intolerance!
                At lunch there was scotch lamb broth to start and the rest didn’t look beef or dairy free my head dropped , then I realised I am not vegan I am allowing myself lamb pork chicken fish and eggs , so I had a bowl of broth and a veg stir fry I was full ,
Scotch broth
Curried vegetable
French onion
Cauliflower & stilton
Chicken noodle
Cream of tomato
Fish Main

Smoked haddock mornay
Thai baked salmon
Pesto baked ling
Fish pie
Salmon & chive pasta bake
Fish cakes
Meat Main 1

Roast rib eye of beef

Steak pie

Southern fried chicken burgers
Tandoori roast turkey
Beef enchiladas
Chicken curry
Roast pork
Meat Main 2

Haggis with whisky sauce
Black pudding stuffed chicken wrapped in bacon
Moroccan lamb
Sausage casserole
Thai pork meatballs
Barbecue ribs
Chicken & mushroom carbonara
Vegetarian Main
Vegetable lasagne
Broccoli & cauliflower pasta bake
Mushroom & blue cheese tartlets
Vegetable kebabs
Cheese & tomato pizza
Butternut squash & coconut curry
Cauliflower & lentil tagine with cous cous
Vegetable 1

Bashed neeps
Mixed vegetables
Corn on the cob
Stir fry vegetables
Roast vegetables
Vegetable 2

Roasted parsnips & carrots
Braised red cabbage
 Medley of vegetables
Mushy peas
BBQ beans
Mixed greens
Carb 1
 Mashed potatoes
Cous cous
Baby potatoes
Turmeric rice
Carb 2
New potatoes
Cajun chips
Coconut rice
Roast potatoes
Hot Pudding

Sticky toffee pudding
Chocolate sponge
Apple crumble
Male syrup sponge
Jam & coconut sponge
Pineapple upside down cake
Chocolate brownie
Cold Pudding

Scottish tipsy trifle
Ice cream bar
Victoria sponge
 New York cheesecake
Belgian chocolate cheesecake
Fruit pavlova
Ice cream bar

                That’s a week menu from the accommodation ,as you can see its all good stuff and I am lucky it can get tricky doing my personal challenge`s as you can see and I don’t see the point in going through a daily diary of had this couldn’t have that ! so I shall stick to writing about any mistakes fails disappointment’s and things I miss , I am writing this on day five and so far things are going really well on this challenge , I am getting plenty to eat and possibly more nutrients than I would have done without this challenge , strangely I’m not missing chocolate at all and there’s lots of it lying around the office , I do get a bit annoyed when I see milk as an ingredient in a bag of crisps I’ve got to check every bag before touching them ,I used to love  taking a cracker with cheese to my room at night , I do miss that with my bedtime tea , I am probably doing myself a favour by not eating the after dinner sweets they are always rich with dairy I would normally not be able to resist a bit sponge and custard but it’s been easier to resist than I thought , I wonder what I will miss at the end of a full year if I actually will miss anything !!
                By day 8 I had obviously completed my first week one week down 51 to go! Did I feel any different physically? no if anything I had more energy and was more alert but with a background sore`ish head ( I never ever get a sore head probably unrelated ) , maybe I should have had a blood test done to check for cholesterol blood iron etc. and compare it after a year , I had my office situation sorted as I took in loads of milk free products to eat hob nobs Bourneville milk free crisps nuts some crackers with hummus , I’m still at work after a week but now into a routine with canteen lunches and accommodation dinners and its going ok no mistakes so far , I did consider the chicken satay last night but then decided I was kidding myself on if I thought there was any chance of chicken satay being dairy free !
                Into day 10 and I feel it’s worthwhile writing about the interaction with my work colleagues, it’s a strange thing working away from home on an industrial site with a tight group of co-workers we not only work together we travel together lunch together and event eat and socialise together away from site, I could possibly have not told them about my pledge and got away with it but I decided to tell them what I was up to! of course its great banter for them certainly breaks any monotony they all want me to fail of course and love checking what I’m eating and saying there’s got to be dairy in that soup or that sauce, all of which of course I come back with banter about what they are eating today at lunch for example they were saying no way could they do it! so I through the question at them would you rather Kill a cow on new year’s day and then butcher it into edible products for the year having steak potatoes and beans or peas every night for a year , or plant a tree every day for a year and eat any kind of fruit veg nuts pulses seeds berries and fruit you like for a year , of course out of the table of 6 only I chose the trees , BUT I secretly wonder if any of them were actually truly capable of killing a cow , I have killed for sport and didn’t like it we all did when I was a kid I know I would kill for food if I was required to but it would sadden me now
                I have a whole year of this to go so I don’t want to put too much all in the first month! today’s update is that all the gelatine and dairy free products I took into the office were eaten before all the dairy and gelatine rich treats, now the office treats have returned to the usual dairy rich biscuits and milk chocolate, strange how everyone says they couldn’t go dairy free but put out a pack of hob nobs a bar of Bourneville and a bag of starburst and they get inhaled by the lads
                Flight home day and we get a biscuit with our in-flight coffee I didn’t take my usual caramel wafer obviously, it looked like all the other biscuits all had dairy in them so no biscuits for a year now, the journey home is always good and being at home was easy I can easily be a vegan in my own home, but I was flying to the alps for a week’s ski holiday with friends and family it was to cervinia the Italian side of the alps  
I am weird officially apparently!

                I packed some herbs and spices as there may be a chance to do some cooking at our apartment in the alps , the first night we arrived we went out for dinner one look at the menu and it struck me this was going to be a hard week , I asked the waitress if something was dairy free and of course the company I was in started asking if I was on a fad diet or turned vegan , with Gary being the worst vocally pointing his fork sideways to say that’s it your officially weird in my book why do that a full year of beef and dairy what’s the point of denying yourself , I don’t mind this kind of chat sometimes I welcome the banter but we were in mixed company so I just said let’s not talk about it and we can accept I am an eccentric ,  Italian alpine meals are either creamy cheesy or beef dishes there wasn’t much fish or chicken on any menus . And the rest of the week I mostly ate pizza with zero cheese or pasta in tomato sauce checking there was no beef or dairy in them all week that was it first month done eleven to go