Tuesday 1 January 2019

2019 12 x12


                Here goes for another year of 12 x12 +1, I am going to make this one a little more achievable but with challenging aspects, so first of let’s have a look at this years each months 12 challenges


 The challenges are as follows


  1. Taste at least one new beer every month
  2. Do at least one thing of my personal pre written bucket list or of my scratch of wall poster of 100 things to do before you die lists
  3. Spend at least one day a month vegan or do one month as a vegan
  4. Plant something a tree some bulbs or seeds at least once every month
  5. Make create or repair something once a month
  6. Do a new hill
  7. Write 1000 words a month on one of my writing projects
  8. Phone /txt /email /write or call someone I haven’t seen for a while
  9. Eat something I’ve picked out the countryside ( foraged )
  10.  Go to a live music event or even just book one
  11.  Watch a film I’ve never seen before read a new book or music album
  12.   Do a month challenge to either start or stop something each month  


A single challenge for the full year!


                  I have learned from experience that if you make a personal pledge to do something for a prolonged period of time one month – one year it will in fact change you as a human being for the better, there’s a freedom in challenging yourself to breaking a previous habit, Its very satisfying once the challenge is complete and you may be surprised by the outcome! This year’s challenge for the full year I have not entered lightly! it will be a huge challenge for me, having recently watched the short film called the UK in 100 seconds along with previous dietary experiments of stopping meat and dairy, I have learned that the mass production of cattle for meat and dairy is wrong it’s bad for the planet also because of the volumes we eat these products in (it’s not moderate)its bad for us , I am going to try and stay beef dairy and beef products free for the whole of 2019!


Bucket list for challenge number 2 this year


Bucket list

  1. Swim outdoors in the rain
  2. Sleep in a bothy
  3. Do a triathlon
  4. Take a trip on the Waverly
  5. Try orienteering
  6. Sleep a night in a hammock
  7. Cycle the Heb way
  8. Cycle the robroy way
  9. Walk the Camino
  10. Walk the GR20 on Corsica
  11. Complete the Munroe`s
  12. Complete the Archie’s first
  13. Write a book
  14. Visit the portrait gallery
  15. Visit cape wrath
  16. Cycle the north sea cycle route
  17. Visit chillilicious
  18. Go to Beltane fire festival
  19. Cross the atlantic in a boat
  20. Do the linlithgy ale trail
  21. Make a travelling book and send it of on travels
  22. Visit Iona
  23. Go to Banff outdoor film festival Canada
  24. Spend a night in a bivvy
  25. Learn to play the harmonica or at least try for a month
  26. Do a foraging day
  27. Spend a day/night on a beach
  28. go snorkelling to get food
  29. Do a cycle trip on a eliptgo  
  30. Go up the steeple
  31. Visit duncarron
  32. Visit Inchcolm
  33. Visit the pencil at largs
  34. Do a stand-up comedy routine
  35. Do an ultra-marathon
  36. Do a source to sea journey in Scotland
  37. Visit Kenneth and Helens grave
  38. Visit sanquhar Cameron memorial
  39. Do a recumbent cycle

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