Friday 11 January 2019

4th year @ marcothon

Marcothon 2018
                This will be my 4th year in a row doing the marcothon! I gave it a lot of thought this year as I think the way my rota is working out that this could be my hardest marcothon yet!

                Day 1 I am nightshift at work and my usual routine is a bit of weight training in the morning and some cardio in the afternoon. I got up at 3 and speed marched to the coop and back for a 25mins run at the gym

                Day 2 whisky club in the morning after work meant a sleep in I had to do it a bit later!

Day 3 two runs one of 25mins 0700 second at 16:00

Day 4 a job interview to contend with so running machine again for just over the minimum 25mins

Day 5 running machine again 30mins

Day 6 was going to go outside but the weather was hellish so 35mins on the running machine

Day 7 beers in the morning after work march round to co-op before 30mins on the running machine before 12 hours nightshift

Day 8 – yet again the weather was terrible outside so back on the dreadmill for 35mins , I don’t really dread it but I do like the word dreadmill I can and have spent hours on a treadmill watching films or listening to audiobooks

Day 9 dreadmill running not an issue more a pleasure than chore

Day 10 hard one today as I finished nightshift at 07;00 and flying home at 10am so I stayed up after work and ran on the treadmill before completing my packing and heading home always beers with the lads on the way home

Day 11 great to wake up in my own bed and not a problem going out for a run it was pleasant to be out on the road

Day 12 this may get into a routine of the same route so I went a different circular

Day 14  I know a route that takes me 27mins give or take some seconds and its 3.1 mile long with a downhill and uphill and I loop it out around my gran and grandpas grave where I doff my running cap and this is my standard training run

Day 15 twas the weekend before the Xmas weekend! And I was sleepy as a mouse! twas a drag to get myself out so my basic loop it was to be

Day 16 yet again the basic loop it’s going to get dull if I don’t mix it up but it’s a pleasant route and I enjoy it plus I know its timing and I pass gran and papa someone has laid a Christmas wreath

Day 17 early train to Aberdeen for a course in the afternoon it was 16:00 before I was free and staying in a hotel fortunately it was a big hotel with a pool and gym so I hit the running machine and ended up doing an hour at various degrees

Day 18 this was dedication for me! my course was at 08:30 half an hours journey from the hotel so I got out of bed at 06:00 went down to the hotel gym and done 30mins on the running machine before breakfast and off to the course, once the course was finished it was a god job I had got my run done before breakfast because it was a 4hour journey home on the train and I was booked to have dinner in the bull before the Christmas quiz night

Day 19 back home and back into my relaxed routine my 27mins 3.1mile loop passed gran and papas grave,

Day 20 I was heading back to Aberdeen for a work colleagues wedding on the Friday hotel booked thursd frid nights centre of Aberdeen jury’s ( no gym ) I got packed and stopped to meet up with my sister in Montrose once at the hotel I got the running gear on and hit the streets of Aberdeen , I lived in Aberdeen for a while so it was nice to be out running the streets again brought back many memories , when I got back to the hotel a few of the lads were already in the bar having beers and I got pelters for going out running when there was partying to be done

Day 21 day of AJ`s wedding fortunately it was only a night time invitation and I knew it would be beers in the afternoon! Sheila decided she wanted to run with me so we ran out to the beach and back before going out on the beers 

Day 22 up early and a straight drive down the road no stopping I was home changed and out for my run before 2pm

Day 23 my boy is home from his home in Germany and I wanted to see him at night so I got my run done at midday before he arrived and we went out for dinner

Day 24 Christmas eve it was a mad rush finishing my Christmas wrapping and cards before getting my run done and out for dinner for the Xmas eve festivities and partying It was a good night out at the bull karaoke with friends a late one with lots of excesses

25th of Dec Christmas day , I had a late rise my son came to visit  and I hadn’t been out for my run so I got changed into my running kit after we exchanged gifts and I suggested he walks up to our local and gets the pints up while I do my run ,this is what we done he carried my warm jacket up to the bull with my wallet and , I done my quick 27mins run my mate ali unknown to me was watching my strava routes and asked me the following week why I hadn’t completed my run , I had to laugh when it dawned on me what he meant because I usually do a circular route back home by the couldn’t understand why I never made it home when in fact I had stopped at the bull ,

Day 26 Boxing Day to Friday 28th all just blended together with the same routing wake up late run once ready just my usual route out for dinner and beers repeat, lots of friends and family were coming down with chest infections and cold sickness bugs this time of year is bad for it, I was fortunate my feeling weak and having little energy were not because I was fighting an infection but because I was out drinking and eating too much at night!

Saturday the 29th of December was a real hardship , I really didn’t want to get out of bed never mind go for a run , I was heading off to work holidays over I was to go back to work two days early , it was not only a Saturday heading to work when I shouldn’t be it was also still the festive season with friends and family all enjoying the festivities , I nearly never went out running as I was feeling a bit down about it all and struggled with motivation who cares anyway why bother who cares all that sort of negativity ! Sheila offered me a lift to the station and in the end helped motivate me she has been bed bound since boxing day with a chest infection on steroids and anti-biotics but still made the effort, so I stopped feeling sorry for myself and got out and done my run got packed and went for my train to Aberdeen goodbye home for 2.5weeks,

Sunday the 30th I flew to work early morning then after work I used the running machine as the weather was bad

New Year’s eve last today of marcothon 2018! and it was going to end on the running machine for me straight after work which was in fact a pleasure not a chore , I tried to get a photo of the running machine stats as I ran for my twitter page and Instagram last year’s picture was so much better the running machine picture never worked , last year’s picture I had a full beard a campervan and was running outside this years was dull and ended up just holding a pint at the  bar , I was very happy to have achieved my fourth marcothon in a row WILL I DO IT NEXT YEAR ?? We shall see probably!   

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